• Complex hindbrain malformation
• Virtually 100% associated with neural tube closure defect (NTD), usually lumbar myelomeningocele (MMC)
Diagnostic criteria
- Crowded posterior fossa, widened tentorial incisura, tectal beaking, inferior vermian displacement
- Cascade or waterfall of cerebellum/brainstem downward
- Uvula/nodulus/pyramid of vermis → sclerotic peg
- Cervicomedullary kink (70%)
- Towering cerebellum → compresses midbrain, associated beaked tectum
- 4th ventricle elongated with no posterior point (fastigium)
- Lacunar skull: Focal calvarial thinning with scooped-out appearance
• Secondary to sequelae of CSF leakage through open spinal dysraphism during gestation (4th fetal week)
• Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) mutations → abnormal folate metabolism
• Spine- and brain/skull-associated anomalies common
• Towering cerebellum, downward vermian displacement, ± brainstem compression diagnostic for Chiari 2 especially if MMC present
Best imaging tool
○ Multiplanar MR for initial brain, spine evaluation
○ Follow-up brain CT or MR to assess hydrocephalus
○ Cervical spine MR for progressive brainstem or spinal symptoms
• Brain/spinal axis MR to detect presence of Chiari 2, assess severity, look for complications
Image Interpretation Pearls
• Low torcular herophili indicates small posterior fossa
• CT or MR showing towering cerebellum, downward vermian displacement, ± brainstem compression diagnostic of Chiari 2
Imaging gallery
Axial T2WI MR depicts enlargement of the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles (colpocephaly) related to callosal dysgenesis in conjunction with beaked tectum
Axial T2WI MR at the posterior fossa level demonstrates the classic axial image manifestation of the towering cerebellum extending through the wide tentorial incisura.